Latest Essays

“By their fruits you shall know them.”

There is this odd phenomenon in our society: we have developed a culture which values education by where one has gone to school, hence the over-hyped respect for an Ivy League education or graduation from a school that has a high ranking in the U. S. News and World Report annual estimation of colleges and…

Limits to Personal Autonomy

Most theoreticians of ethics in medical practice place strong emphasis on patient autonomy. Anyone who has been a patient in a hospital welcomes such an emphasis. because as a patient, one is told when to wake up, when to go to sleep, what to wear, when to go to the bathroom, what and how much…

Theological Explorations: Where are we going?

Seminary cannot be a one and done without serious consequences, so after I graduated, I set out to read my entire accumulated library. Among other subjects, this provided an opportunity to read all of the theologians I had been told about, and some who were new. It helped me understand the basis for the feud…